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BATSS builds on integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA) and R-INLA, its implementation in R. INLA methodology focuses on models that can be expressed as latent Gaussian Markov random fields (GMRF). Consider the model

\[\eta_i = g(\mu_i) = \alpha + \sum_{j=1}^p \beta_j z_{ij} + \sum_{k=1}^q f_{k}(u_{ik}) + \epsilon_i\]


  • \(\eta\) is the linear predictor,
  • \(g(.)\) is the link function,
  • \(\beta\) are the \(p\) coefficients for the linear effects of covariates \(z\),
  • \(f_{k}(.)\) are the \(q\) unknown functions of the covariates \(u\)
  • \(\epsilon\) are unstructured terms.

Latent Gaussian models are the subset of Bayesian additive models that assign a Gaussian prior to the latent field \(\mathcal{X}=\{\alpha, \beta, f(.)\}\)

\[\mathcal{X}|\theta \sim N(0,\mathcal{Q}^{-1}(\theta))\]

where \(\mathcal{Q}\) denotes the precision matrix and \(\theta\) a vector of hyperparameters. Then the joint density of the latent field, hyperparameters and the data is

\[ \pi(\mathcal{X},\theta|y) \propto \pi(\theta)\pi(\mathcal{X}|\theta)\prod_{i=1}^{n}\pi(y_i|(A\mathcal{X})_i,\theta)\]

where \(\eta=A\mathcal{X}\). From here the posterior mariginals can be approximated. Refer to Rue, Martino, and Chopin (2009) and Van Niekerk et al. (2023) for details.

Priors for fixed effects

Hence, priors for fixed effects in INLA are normally distributed (with a default mean \(\mu=0\) and precision \(\tau=0.001\), and since \(\sigma^{2}=1/{\tau}\), \(N(0,\,1000)\)).

The control.fixed argument of the inla() function allows users to change \(\mu\) or \(\tau\). The batss.glm() function allows control elements of the inla() function to be passed on to the embedded INLA routine via the ... argument. inla() differentiates between the intercept, mean.intercept and prec.intercept, and all other fixed effects, mean and prec, e.g. control.fixed = list(mean=1) would assign a prior mean of \(1\) to all fixed effects but the intercept.

Individual prior means or precision can be set with named lists in the control.fixed argument, e.g. control.fixed = list(prec=list(A=1,B=2,default=0.1)) would set the prior precision to \(1\) for fixed effect A, to \(2\) for fixed effect B and to \(0.1\) for all other fixed effects.

Take note that in BATSS nomenclature of fixed effects is a combination of names in the right hand side of the model argument and factor levels from the allocation function in the var argument (which have to match the names of the vector prob0) as is standard for the model.matrix() function - the first level of a factor being ignored for naming purposes as reference level, e.g. 

y <- rnorm(30)
treatment <- factor(rep(c("A","B","C"),10))
## [1] "A" "B" "C"
model <- y ~ treatment
mm <- model.matrix(model)
## [1] "(Intercept)" "treatmentB"  "treatmentC"

The following example shows a batss.glm() call without and with changes to the default prior for the fixed effects: = function(posterior,efficacy.bound){
  posterior > efficacy.bound
  } = function(m,prob){
  prob = abs(prob)/sum(abs(prob))
  m0.g = floor(prob*m)
  m0   = sum(m0.g)
#BATSS using INLA's default normal priors, N(0,1000)
sim1 = batss.glm(  
          model             = y ~ trt,   
          var               = list(y   = rnorm,
                                   trt =,
          var.control       = list(y = list(sd = 2)),
          beta              = c(1, 1, 2),
          which             = c(2:3),
          R                 = 10,
          N                 = 200,
          interim           = list(recruited=100),
          prob0             = c(C=1/3, T1=1/3, T2=1/3),
          eff.arm           =,
          eff.arm.control   = list(efficacy.bound = 0.975),
          delta.eff         = c(NA,0),
          fut.arm           = NULL,
          computation       = "parallel",
          H0                = FALSE,
          mc.cores          = parallel::detectCores()-1)

#BATSS using normal priors with N(1,4) for the fixed effect of intervention T1 and 
#the intercept and N(0,4) for intervention T2 and all other fixed effects.
sim2 = batss.glm(  
          model             = y ~ trt,   
          var               = list(y   = rnorm,
                                   trt =,
          var.control       = list(y = list(sd = 2)),
          beta              = c(1, 1, 2),
          which             = c(2:3),
          R                 = 10,
          N                 = 200,
          interim           = list(recruited=100),
          prob0             = c(C=1/3, T1=1/3, T2=1/3),
          eff.arm           =,
          eff.arm.control   = list(efficacy.bound = 0.975),
          delta.eff         = c(NA,0),
          fut.arm           = NULL,
          computation       = "parallel",
          H0                = FALSE,
          mc.cores          = parallel::detectCores()-1,
          control.fixed     = list(mean.intercept=1,
                                   mean = list(trtT1 = 1, default = 0), 
                                   prec = 0.25)

Priors for hyperparameters

INLA hyperparameters and their default priors currently available in BATSS
Distribution Hyperparameter Hyperparameter default prior
normal log precision log-gamma
binomial none -
negative binomial log size penalised complexity gamma
poisson none -

Based on INLA’s defaults, family, hyperparameter and the associated default prior used in BATSS are listed in Table 1 (see Simpson et al. (2017) for an in depth description of complexity priors). Detailed information can be viewed by typing inla.models()$likelihood$[FAMILYNAME] including default parameters, e.g. for the normal distribution:

## $doc
## [1] "The Gaussian likelihoood"
## $hyper
## $hyper$theta1
## $hyper$theta1$hyperid
## [1] 65001
## attr(,"")
## [1] FALSE
## $hyper$theta1$name
## [1] "log precision"
## attr(,"")
## [1] FALSE
## $hyper$theta1$
## [1] "prec"
## attr(,"")
## [1] FALSE
## $hyper$theta1$
## [1] "Precision for the Gaussian observations"
## attr(,"")
## [1] FALSE
## $hyper$theta1$
## [1] "Log precision for the Gaussian observations"
## attr(,"")
## [1] FALSE
## $hyper$theta1$initial
## [1] 4
## attr(,"")
## [1] FALSE
## $hyper$theta1$fixed
## [1] FALSE
## attr(,"")
## [1] FALSE
## $hyper$theta1$prior
## [1] "loggamma"
## attr(,"")
## [1] FALSE
## $hyper$theta1$param
## [1] 1e+00 5e-05
## attr(,"")
## [1] FALSE
## $hyper$theta1$to.theta
## function (x) 
## log(x)
## <bytecode: 0x12a6d29e0>
## <environment: 0x12a6ceee8>
## attr(,"")
## [1] TRUE
## $hyper$theta1$from.theta
## function (x) 
## exp(x)
## <bytecode: 0x12a6d2af8>
## <environment: 0x12a6ceee8>
## attr(,"")
## [1] TRUE
## $hyper$theta2
## $hyper$theta2$hyperid
## [1] 65002
## attr(,"")
## [1] FALSE
## $hyper$theta2$name
## [1] "log precision offset"
## attr(,"")
## [1] FALSE
## $hyper$theta2$
## [1] "precoffset"
## attr(,"")
## [1] FALSE
## $hyper$theta2$
## [1] "NOT IN USE"
## attr(,"")
## [1] FALSE
## $hyper$theta2$
## [1] "NOT IN USE"
## attr(,"")
## [1] FALSE
## $hyper$theta2$initial
## [1] 72.08731
## attr(,"")
## [1] FALSE
## $hyper$theta2$fixed
## [1] TRUE
## attr(,"")
## [1] FALSE
## $hyper$theta2$prior
## [1] "none"
## attr(,"")
## [1] TRUE
## $hyper$theta2$param
## numeric(0)
## attr(,"")
## [1] FALSE
## $hyper$theta2$to.theta
## function (x) 
## log(x)
## <bytecode: 0x12a6d29e0>
## <environment: 0x12a6ceee8>
## attr(,"")
## [1] TRUE
## $hyper$theta2$from.theta
## function (x) 
## exp(x)
## <bytecode: 0x12a6d2af8>
## <environment: 0x12a6ceee8>
## attr(,"")
## [1] TRUE
## $survival
## [1] FALSE
## $discrete
## [1] FALSE
## $link
## [1] "default"   "identity"  "logit"     "loga"      "cauchit"   "log"      
## [7] "logoffset"
## $pdf
## [1] "gaussian"

In case of the normal distribution the default prior for the hyperparameter \(\theta=log(\tau)\) is a log-gamma distribution with parameters \(a=1\) and \(b=0.00005\). To change the prior distribution or its parameters use the argument of the inla() function.

#BATSS using normal priors with N(1,4) for the fixed effect of intervention T1 and 
#the intercept and N(0,4) for intervention T2 and all other fixed effects and a 
#log-gamma(0.5,0.01) prior for the log precision hyperparameter.
sim3 = batss.glm(  
          model             = y ~ trt,   
          var               = list(y   = rnorm,
                                   trt =,
          var.control       = list(y = list(sd = 2)),
          beta              = c(1, 1, 2),
          which             = c(2:3),
          R                 = 10,
          N                 = 200,
          interim           = list(recruited=100),
          prob0             = c(C=1/3, T1=1/3, T2=1/3),
          eff.arm           =,
          eff.arm.control   = list(efficacy.bound = 0.975),
          delta.eff         = c(NA,0),
          fut.arm           = NULL,
          computation       = "parallel",
          H0                = FALSE,
          mc.cores          = parallel::detectCores()-1,
          control.fixed     = list(mean.intercept=1,
                                   mean = list(trtT1 = 1, default = 0), 
                                   prec = 0.25),
    = list(hyper = list(prec = list(param = c(0.5,0.01))))

Priors for hyperparameters can either be a built-in prior or a user-defined function. Available predefined priors in INLA:

## Section [prior]
##      betacorrelation               Beta prior for the correlation          
##      dirichlet                     Dirichlet prior                         
##      expression:                   A generic prior defined using expressions
##      flat                          A constant prior                        
##      gamma                         Gamma prior                             
##      gaussian                      Gaussian prior                          
##      invalid                       Void prior                              
##      jeffreystdf                   Jeffreys prior for the doc              
##      laplace                       Laplace prior                           
##      linksnintercept               Skew-normal-link intercept-prior        
##      logflat                       A constant prior for log(theta)         
##      loggamma                      Log-Gamma prior                         
##      logiflat                      A constant prior for log(1/theta)       
##      logitbeta                     Logit prior for a probability           
##      logtgaussian                  Truncated Gaussian prior                
##      logtnormal                    Truncated Normal prior                  
##      minuslogsqrtruncnormal        (obsolete)                              
##      mvnorm                        A multivariate Normal prior             
##      none                          No prior                                
##      normal                        Normal prior                            
##      pc                            Generic PC prior                        
##      pc.alphaw                     PC prior for alpha in Weibull           
##                         PC prior for the AR(p) model            
##      pc.cor0                       PC prior correlation, basemodel cor=0   
##      pc.cor1                       PC prior correlation, basemodel cor=1   
##      pc.dof                        PC prior for log(dof-2)                 
##      pc.fgnh                       PC prior for the Hurst parameter in FGN 
##      pc.gamma                      PC prior for a Gamma parameter          
##      pc.gammacount                 PC prior for the GammaCount likelihood  
##      pc.gevtail                    PC prior for the tail in the GEV likelihood
##      pc.matern                     PC prior for the Matern SPDE            
##      pc.mgamma                     PC prior for a Gamma parameter          
##      pc.prec                       PC prior for log(precision)             
##      pc.range                      PC prior for the range in the Matern SPDE
##                         PC prior for the skew-normal            
##      pc.spde.GA                    (experimental)                          
##      pom                           #classes-dependent prior for the POM model
##                        Reference prior for the AR(p) model, p<=3
##      rprior:                       A R-function defining the prior         
##      table:                        A generic tabulated prior               
##      wishart1d                     Wishart prior dim=1                     
##      wishart2d                     Wishart prior dim=2                     
##      wishart3d                     Wishart prior dim=3                     
##      wishart4d                     Wishart prior dim=4                     
##      wishart5d                     Wishart prior dim=5                     
##      wishartkd                     Wishart prior

To change a prior to one of the predefined INLA priors simply use the argument of the inla() function. For example, = list(hyper = list(prec = list(prior = "logtnormal"))) will change the prior distribution of the precision to a truncated normal prior. (Note that the name will depend on the hyperparameter, here prec.)

#BATSS with default normal priors for the fixed effects and a truncated normal prior
#for the precision hyperparameter
sim4 = batss.glm(  
          model             = y ~ trt,   
          var               = list(y   = rnorm,
                                   trt =,
          var.control       = list(y = list(sd = 2)),
          beta              = c(1, 1, 2),
          which             = c(2:3),
          R                 = 10,
          N                 = 200,
          interim           = list(recruited=100),
          prob0             = c(C=1/3, T1=1/3, T2=1/3),
          eff.arm           =,
          eff.arm.control   = list(efficacy.bound = 0.975),
          delta.eff         = c(NA,0),
          fut.arm           = NULL,
          computation       = "parallel",
          H0                = FALSE,
          mc.cores          = parallel::detectCores()-1,
    = list(hyper = list(prec = list(prior = "logtnormal")))

There are two options to define priors that are not predefined in INLA: 1. Providing a tabulated distribution via table:

#manually define the log-gamma prior
# either as a 'table'
loggamma.function <-  function(log_precision) {
  a <- 0.05;
  b <- 0.01;
  precision <- exp(log_precision);
  logdens <- log(b^a) - lgamma(a) + (a-1)*log_precision - b*precision;
  log_jacobian <- log_precision;
  return(logdens + log_jacobian)
lprec <- seq(-10, 10, len=10000) <- paste(c("table:", cbind(lprec, loggamma.function(lprec))), 
                      sep = "", collapse = " ")
loggamma.table <- list(prec = list(prior =

#BATSS using normal priors with N(1,4) for the fixed effect of intervention T1 and 
#the intercept and N(0,4) for intervention T2 and all other fixed effects and a 
#tabulated log-gamma(0.5,0.01) prior for the log precision hyperparameter.
sim5 = batss.glm(  
          model             = y ~ trt,   
          var               = list(y   = rnorm,
                                   trt =,
          var.control       = list(y = list(sd = 2)),
          beta              = c(1, 1, 2),
          which             = c(2:3),
          R                 = 10,
          N                 = 200,
          interim           = list(recruited=100),
          prob0             = c(C=1/3, T1=1/3, T2=1/3),
          eff.arm           =,
          eff.arm.control   = list(efficacy.bound = 0.975),
          delta.eff         = c(NA,0),
          fut.arm           = NULL,
          computation       = "parallel",
          H0                = FALSE,
          mc.cores          = parallel::detectCores()-1,
          control.fixed     = list(mean.intercept=1,
                                   mean = list(trtT1 = 1, default = 0), 
                                   prec = 0.25),
    = list(hyper = loggamma.table)

or 2. providing the function via the expression: statement.

#or 'expression'
loggamma = "expression:
              a = 0.5;
              b = 0.01;
              precision = exp(log_precision);
              logdens = log(b^a) - lgamma(a) + (a-1)*log_precision - b*precision;
              log_jacobian = log_precision;
              return(logdens + log_jacobian);"
loggamma.expression = list(prec = list(prior = loggamma))

#BATSS using normal priors with N(1,4) for the fixed effect of intervention T1 and 
#the intercept and N(0,4) for intervention T2 and all other fixed effects and a 
#user-defined log-gamma(0.5,0.01) prior for the log precision hyperparameter.
sim6 = batss.glm(  
          model             = y ~ trt,   
          var               = list(y   = rnorm,
                                   trt =,
          var.control       = list(y = list(sd = 2)),
          beta              = c(1, 1, 2),
          which             = c(2:3),
          R                 = 10,
          N                 = 200,
          interim           = list(recruited=100),
          prob0             = c(C=1/3, T1=1/3, T2=1/3),
          eff.arm           =,
          eff.arm.control   = list(efficacy.bound = 0.975),
          delta.eff         = c(NA,0),
          fut.arm           = NULL,
          computation       = "parallel",
          H0                = FALSE,
          mc.cores          = parallel::detectCores()-1,
          control.fixed     = list(mean.intercept=1,
                                   mean = list(trtT1 = 1, default = 0), 
                                   prec = 0.25),
    = list(hyper = loggamma.expression)

#check if it matches the predefined loggamma prior

Further reading

Further details (including parametrisation of distributions) and examples for use of priors in INLA (and by extension in BATSS) can be found in the INLA documentation inla.doc("[TOPIC]") or online (


Rue, Håvard, Sara Martino, and Nicolas Chopin. 2009. “Approximate Bayesian Inference for Latent Gaussian Models by Using Integrated Nested Laplace Approximations.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 71 (2): 319–92.
Simpson, Daniel, Håvard Rue, Andrea Riebler, Thiago G. Martins, and Sigrunn H. Sørbye. 2017. Penalising Model Component Complexity: A Principled, Practical Approach to Constructing Priors.” Statistical Science 32 (1): 1–28.
Van Niekerk, Janet, Elias Krainski, Denis Rustand, and Håvard Rue. 2023. “A New Avenue for Bayesian Inference with INLA.” Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 181: 107692.