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Combines different evaluations of batss.glm considering the same trial design but different sets of seeds. This function is useful when the evaluation of Monte Carlo samples generated by different seeds was split in sets computed by different nodes/cpus. The output of this function is of class 'batss' meaning that the usual generic functions (print, summary, plot) can be used.


batss.combine(paths, force = FALSE)



Vector indicating the paths to the rdata files containing the outputs of the function batss.glm considering the same trial design but different set of seeds. This requires the argument 'extended' of the function batss.glm to be > 0.


a logical with default force=FALSE. Among other checks, batss.glm controls that the calls of the Monte Carlo trials to be combined are identical and stops if they are not (Note that this check is not bullet proof: such a check, for example, would be able to note that two sets of Monte Carlo trials used a eff.arm function named the same way and considered the same optional parameters but would be blind to the fact that they could correspond to two different functions). force=TRUE forces batss.glm to ignore this check. This could be useful if the calls differ due to the batss objects to be combined being generated using different versions of batss.glm.


an object of class 'batss'. Refer to the section 'Value' in batss.glm for details about this object structure.

See also

batss.glm(), the function allowing to simulate Bayesian adaptive trials with GLM endpoint for different seeds.